Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another look to the future

I haven't been posting of late because with the 4.0 dropping soon and the Castaclysm coming soon after I really haven't anything positive to say.  The pretty much gutted all melee and buffed most casters.  The asshole CM ghostcrawler (or Greg Street) does nothing but lock threads when someone steps over the line or even comes close to it.  Apparently it is not going to be a good idea to try and play a retribution paladin in cataclysm since all the moron ghostcrawler can think of is nerfs to the spec.  When people post constructive feedback he ignores it. When people ask questions the fanboys flame it as a qq and he ignores it.  When god forbid someone complains, lock and some assholic snide remark from shitbird Greg Street.  Screw him and his horse.  The only reason I am posting here now is because if I try to post on the moron ghoscrawlers forum he will lock/ban if I state my actual opinion about where they are going with the retribution class right now.

As of right now I have not been banned.  I would like to keep it that way so I won't post there.

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