Friday, December 19, 2008

Botanica and a couple of Halls

Last night I ran the daily Wyrmrest quest. I think the achievement for running a daily quest five days in a row is broken. I have run that specific quest like 7 or 8 days in a row,
Then a guildy asked for a Botanica run to finish off some alchemy quest so we started off the night back in TBC. It was pretty simple so we burned through in about 15 minutes or so and headed back to Northrend.
Two more people added to the group and we headed to Storm Peaks to try out those instances. Ran the halls of Stone first with some of their lowers 75 Ele shammy, 76 tankadin, 77 disc priest, 80 frost mage and me 80 ret pally. It was a cake walk. The priest got some drops and I think the tankadin got one as well.
Since it was so easy we decided to go across the way and burn through Halls of Lightning as well. So the shaman logged over to his 80 retribution paladin and we gave it a shot. Three of the five of had never done it before so we wiped two times on the second boss but, we figured it out and burned him down too. Everything went fine until Loken. The whole tank him in one spot, run away when he is casting his AoE then running back seemed to be too much for the group. It probably didn’t help the tank was 76 and the three DPS were doing decent DPS. The priest finally called it and I went away unfulfilled.
Summary for the night: three instances ran, several deaths, almost 100 gold in repairs and not a single upgrade. I should probably figure out what gear I need for upgrade and map out a plan to upgrade it. I will have to shoehorn that in with trying to get everything else done at the same time. I really need to get better gear.

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